Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm Baaack (spoken in a creepy little girl sing-song voice)

Sorry for the long absence, won't bore you with all the details, but suffice it to say I have had a lot of thoughts running around in my fertile (or is that febrile) mind, and not a hell of a lot of time to write them. Writing homework for the calculus book, prepping chemistry lessons (and explosions), organizing the end of the school year and the beginning of summer school, and wanting to spend time with my wife (she is leaving for a two month job today) have all precluded my taking the time to write (or right, as the case may be - pardon the literary/political/accuracy triple pun, if you would). But I am going to keep it short here, and stick to personal stuff, instead of dealing with the many political/philosophical ramblings that are normally my wont.

Instead, I am going to talk a bit about my birthday. I normally tend to ignore these days, as they are just like any other - marking one day closer to the grave, one more day with some of my potential left unfulfilled, and one more day of putting off for the next what I should be doing today (boy, that sounded depressing, but worry not, gentle reader, all is well). Since my birthday is June 25, normally my students don't do anything about it (obviously - it is the summer and I ain't usually teachin' then). But somehow, they found out about my birthday; I don't know whether they got it from someone in the school year, or if I offhandedly mentioned it in conversation, but the kids were really sweet about it. They brought me a pie, and cupcakes for the whole class, and then while we were in lab, my TA and a friend of hers (who I had taught two years ago) decorated the room with a big happy birthday sign and balloons. Oh yeah, and my TA, a nice young lady named Jen (graduated SI this year - good chemistry student and TA now) also baked me a gigantic chocolate chip cookie and frosted it with " Happy Birthday - Use the force, Mr. M" as well as a little frosting light saber. Then another of my students from the school year stopped by and gave me a chocolate cupcake, even though she is not in my summer class - for some reason she remembered and was thoughtful enough to mark the occasion for me. After that, my niece called from her cell phone at my mom's house to tell me happy birthday. So I finally finish working for the day, and Supergoober comes over to watch UFC 99 with me, and he, my wife, and I all went out to dinner at the Rainbow Island restaurant in Pacifica - coconut rice, garlic eggplant, spicy red curry chicken and potatoes, and mango prawns. Like I said before, I am not really one to celebrate, but I did feel pretty good that day, and (though I don't necessarily think I deserved all the attention) I definitely appreciated it.

And yes, I did thank everyone.

Also, the GM remembered earlier and gave me an awesome present - the Leatherman Skeletool - which I have put to good use already. Thanks again.

Now in retrospect of writing this, it seems kinda self-absorbed, and I am wondering if I should even post it; in a way it seems like a reproach to those who did not remember - if you get that impression, it is not that at all (besides, you probably already emailed me greetings and I would never know - my fault for not checking the emails, but I'll get to it soon, I promise) - I have been very deliberate in the past to not celebrate my birthday, so I have no expectations from any of my friends - they show there appreciation of me every day that we hang out together, so a birthday is not that special - I am just grateful that you are all out there when I need you, and not just on one day - so I want to take a minute to just thank you all for being my friends.

Wow, I guess I am in a sappier mood than I realized, but I do truly mean that, as trite as it may be in the reading.

1 comment:

Steve T. said...

Nothing self absorbed about it Prof. Happy Belated.