Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Never have so many had so little to say to so few.

In light of that fact, I will continue to say so little in as many words as possible (like every other blogger out there). I am going to try and get back into a daily posting, just to keep up with my writing.

I will just keep telling myself that I am a unique and special individual...

Just like everyone else.

Every snowflake is unique too, but when you put them all together, all you have is a big wet sloppy pile of mush, all of the uniqueness blended out into a sludge of homogeneity. A metaphor for the human condition - perhaps.

No one wants to look at that aspect of uniqueness - and the fact that uniqueness doesn't imply quality, either. Just because you are unique doesn't mean you are important.

But being important is overrated, too.

So if you are not depressed yet, just remember, as an intelligent species, we have been around for about 200,000 years. We have to last 2,000,000 years to match up with a successful dinosaur species (T Rex). To put it another way, the universe is about 70,000 times older than we are as a species, and we have been technologically savvy for only that last 100 years (not really, but it makes the estimations easier), meaning that we have had reasonably good grasp of the physical nature of the universe for about 1/140,000,000 of the time the universe has been in existence. So if we want another intelligent alien species to talk to, they probably haven't evolved yet, or have and gone extinct, but even if they are out there concurrently with us, we can't ever meet them if our current understanding of the universe is even remotely correct.

And if SETI actually picks up a reading from somewhere in the universe, odds are that the species that sent the signal is long dead, and if we respond, our species will be extinct by the time they hear us and send back a message.

If you still don't feel insignificant enough, then just go to the top and reread this. I'm tired.

But if you want a more upbeat look, realize that we are all made of the dust from the stars, coalesced into some form and randomly rearranged to create what we designate as life, and that the waters of the oceans flow in our veins.

It takes just as much faith to believe in nothing as it does to believe in something. I am not sure where I fall just about now.

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