Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Well, this just sucks...

I had a terrible night last night, and just as bad a day today. Last night I got the phone call that no teacher ever wants to receive. Apparently that afternoon, one of my students died. Whether or not it was a suicide is still not technically resolved.

Anyway, of course, I have difficulties in dealing with this, but I think I did a decent job of helping my class process the event, and I had some counselor and campus ministry referals in the process. This isn't the first time this has happened in my career, and though I pray it will be the last, I know that that is unlikely as well.

And if you know me, you know that I am the type who keeps a close eye on his students, and I look for issues of depression, angst, eating disorders, and all the other various things that plague the mental health of teenagers. I just did not see this coming at all, but I also know that people who are depressed can get very good at hiding it, but she really seemed like a very normal sophomore girl. I always wonder if there was something more I could have said or done, and while cognitively I understand that this response is illogical, that does nothing to dull the pain.

I haven't decided yet what to do about her seat in class, and I think we will have to talk about that at some point in the near future. There is not too much worse than the elephant in the room of a student's empty seat, and I have the kids partnered up all the time; it has already been tough on the friend who was her partner in class, but she got to talk to her counselor today.

I don't know what else to say, but I feel like crap right now, and I don't see that changing really soon.


Steve T. said...

Wow Prof...don't know what to say other than I'm sorry for this. I have no idea what it must be like to have to deal with this (I know the Discourser knows). Hang in there man.

Leaded Coffee said...

That fucking sucks. Sorry man.

Wayfarer said...

I was on the other end of this when I was in high school... I have some inkling of how you must feel. My thoughts are with you and your students. As The Discourser said, be sure to take care of yourself. And don't forget to reach out if you need to.